Review Article
EURAD − the European Joint Programme for research on radioactive waste management between EU members states national programmes
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Published online: 5 May 2020
For more than 40 years, considerable scientific and technical knowledge has been acquired in Europe in the field of radioactive waste management, both for near-surface disposal and geological disposal. RD&D will continue to be necessary to develop, maintain and consolidate knowledge throughout the stepwise development, operation and closure of disposal facilities, which will be spread over many decades and make this knowledge available to all end users. Recently, the EC has promoted a step-change in pan-European research cooperation between EU Member States' national programmes by promoting the setting-up of inclusive research joint programmes in Europe gathering those organisations with scientific and technical responsibilities and a national mandate for research in radioactive waste management. Based on the positive achievement of the JOPRAD project (2015–2017), the EC confirmed in 2017 its willingness to co-fund such a Joint Programme in the field of RWM. The RWM community therefore pursued the efforts to establish the Founding Documents (Vision, Strategic Research Agenda, Roadmap, Deployment) and a Work Plan for a first implementation phase of 5-years (2019–2024). In June 2019 the Joint Programme − EURAD − was accepted by the European Commission.
© M. Garcia et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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