Review Article
Science underpinning the safety case of deep geological repositories − challenges in the past and in the future and how to maintain knowledge and competence during operation
Unit of Nuclear Fuel Repository, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. SKB, Box 3091, 169 03 Solna, Sweden
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Published online: 5 May 2020
Final repositories for spent nuclear fuel are approaching implementation. A prerequisite for these advancements is that it has been shown that the repository can be constructed and operated in practice in such a way that safety can be assured both during operation and over very long time scales. The success rests on decades of structured and objective-driven research and development. A key element of the research strategy has been to ensure adequate in-house competence and expertise. Also, openness and international cooperation are essential. Workable procedures for data qualification, version control as well as internal and external peer review have gained importance. When the programmes now enter a new phase of construction and operation new challenges will arise. Even if the implementing organisations would need to keep a core competence on post closure safety assessment international cooperation will be even more important on developing, sharing and managing the knowledge needed.
© J. Andersson, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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