2023 Impact factor 0.9
Nuclear Sciences & Technologies

EPJ B - sp3 domains in graphite induced by visible light

Keiichiro Nasu reviews models of photo-induced structural phase transitions in relation to recent experimental results on unconventionally photoactive solids, where the relaxation of optical states results in macroscopic excited domains with new structural and electronic orders. Two key concepts, the hidden multi-stability of the ground state and proliferations of optically excited states are discussed. Taking the ionic to neutral phase transition in an organic charge-transfer crystal as example, the author documents the fundamental nature of photo-induced structural phase transitions. Further, Nasu recounts the details of the discovery of a new photo-induced phase of carbon, named "diaphite", located in between graphite and diamond. The mechanism of this photo-induced structural phase transition is discussed in terms of the proliferation of photo-generated inter-layer charge-transfer excitations in the visible regime.

To read the full paper 'sp3 domain in graphite by visible light and photoinduced phase transitions' by K. Nasu, European Physical Journal B click here.

Tidal waves on liquid Helium-4

An analytical theory explains why a probe molecule such as Na2 on the surface of a liquid 4He droplet creates soft vibrations which can be used to study the dynamics of the droplet surface with optical spectroscopy.

To read the full paper by Hizhnyakov, Tehver and Benedek click here

Microscopic modeling of electronic quantum nanodevices reviewed in a Colloquium paper by D. Taj, R.C. Iotti and F. Rossi

Quantum devices represent an important topic of modern nanoscience, characterized by its multi-disciplinary flavor where condensed matter physics, quantum theory, and information technology merge into a unique body of knowledge. In this Colloquium paper Taj and co-workes review and discuss how to work out a microscopic modeling of state-of-the-art electronic quantum devices. The emphasis is on the description of energy-relaxation and decoherence phenomena. Finally, the authors propose an alternative formulation of the problem in terms of a generalized Fermi's Golden Rule.

Click here to view the full text: [D. Taj et al., Eur. Phys. J. B 72 (2009)]

The unusual electronic and transport properties of graphene-based nanostructures reviewed in a Colloqium paper by Dubois, Zanolli, Declerck, and Charlier in EPJ B

Graphene-based nanostructures are expected to display the extraordinary electronic, thermal and mechanical properties and are thus promising candidates for a wide range applications and opening alternatives to present silicon-based electronics devices. This paper reviews the electronic and quantum transport properties of these carbon nanomaterials in which confinement effects are playing a crucial role. After reviewing the transport properties of defect-free systems, doping and topological defects are also proposed as strategy to tailor quantum conductance in these materials.

EPJ B, D, and E extend the publication of topical reviews (colloquium papers)

Colloquia describe the development of new areas of research or the impact of new and promising experimental, theoretical or computational methods in the fields that are within the spectrum of topics covered by the journal. While not as extensive and complete as reviews in the usual sense, they are intended to suitably introduce new research directions and techniques in their early stages of development, and to a wider audience. There is no explicit constraint regarding the length of such manuscripts, although 20 printed pages would be the most usual length. All invited/submitted manuscripts will undergo the same refereeing procedure as all other contributions submitted to the journal. For accepted colloquium papers, authors will receive a honorarium of EUR 200,-- and colour figures will be free of charge. For more details on this new section in EPJD see the Editorial written by the Editors-in-Chief Claude Fabre and Franco A. Gianturco.

EPJ B appoints new Editors-in-Chief

The publishers of The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems are pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Alois Loidl (U of Augsburg) and Prof. Luciano Colombo (U of Cagliari) as new Editors-in-Chief for experimental resp. theoretical condensed matter physics. At this occasion, EPJ B opens a new main section on computational methods which will publish papers on the theoretical development and numerical benchmarking of existing and new tools in scientific computing of relevance for computational solid state and materials physics. In particular, ab initio techniques, atomistic simulations, quantum monte carlo, and multiscale modelling will be in the new focus.

EPJ B extends its existing publishing activities

The publishing consortium of The European Physical Journal (EPJ) and the Editors-in-Chief are pleased to announce that The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems has substantially extended its existing publishing activities in the fields of Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics to encompass all aspects of the emerging field of Complex Systems.


C. De Saint Jean and G. Moutiers
ISSN: 2491-9292 (Electronic Edition)

© EDP Sciences